Human Error – A Major Cause Behind Successful Phishing Attacks

Secure your weakest link with different types of phishing simulations.

“Human error caused 90% of cyber data breaches.”

-The UK Information Commissioner's Office (ICO

Solve Your Problem with Real-Life Phishing Simulations

Email Phishing

Employees are highly susceptible to falling prey to phishing tactics as they can’t identify an email scam.


Using text messages to trick users into divulging confidential information.


Voice phishing is the telephone equivalent of phishing.

USB Baiting

A phishing form where the attacker uses malware-infected devices like a USB flash drive to infect a computer.

One Solution - Aware

Help your employees build subconscious competency to fight phishing attacks.

  • Training Videos

    The Aware Application lets your team learn on the go. For security awareness, training plays a crucial role.

  • Challenge

    Aware enables users to participate in live quiz sessions with their friends and colleagues.

  • Game Time

    With the Aware Application, quizzes can turn into company-wide competitions.

  • Leader Board

    The Leader Board shows which teams or individuals are leading the competition.

  • Phishing Simulations

    Aware comes with a wide variety of Phishing Simulations as well to test an employee's susceptibility to social engineering attacks.

  • CheckAPhish

    CheckAPhish helps you gain visibility into your organization's risk behavior and measure your user groups' overall risk levels.