WhatsApp Phishing Simulation

WhatsApp Phishing Simulation: GuardText, Your Defense Against Phishing.

WhatsApp Phishing

In the dynamic landscape of cybersecurity, organisations must proactively fortify their defenses against a variety of threats. EC-Council introduces its WhatsApp Text Simulation feature, a powerful tool designed to enhance your cybersecurity strategy by simulating and assessing the risks associated with WhatsApp-based phishing attacks.

Phishing shows no sign of slowing down anytime soon and will only continue to evolve in sophistication and effectiveness. It is currently one of the most popular modes of delivery for malware infections whether to steal sensitive information or gain a foothold into the network of an organization. An organization that has fallen victim to a successful phishing attack will often sustain huge financial losses, in addition to the loss of customer’s trust and reputational damage.

What is WhatsApp Phishing?

WhatsApp phishing refers to malicious attempts by attackers to deceive users into revealing sensitive information via fraudulent WhatsApp messages. These messages often appear to come from trusted sources, such as well-known brands, government agencies, or even colleagues and friends. The goal is to manipulate the user into clicking on malicious links or providing sensitive credentials, which attackers can then use to commit identity theft, financial fraud, or unauthorized access to accounts.

Although awareness around phishing attacks has increased, the threat of WhatsApp phishing remains significant because many of us rely on WhatsApp and similar messaging apps for daily communication. In fact, a survey conducted in 2023 revealed that over 60% of WhatsApp users have interacted with businesses on the platform, creating a perfect opportunity for cybercriminals to exploit.

WhatsApp phishing is especially concerning due to the platform's widespread popularity and the growing number of businesses using WhatsApp to connect with customers. Attackers exploit this trust by mimicking legitimate companies, such as banks or popular brands, using WhatsApp Business-like messages. They may ask for personal information or urge users to click on a link, claiming it's for a special offer, reward, or discount. Interacting with these messages can result in personal data theft or the installation of malware on your device, all while appearing to be from a trusted source.

The year 2019 has seen a sharp rise in phishing activities, where nearly 71% of phishing attacks were financially motivated, as reported by security experts. Nearly 29% of breaches involved the use of stolen credentials, and nearly 33% of breaches used social engineering. As opposed to the general assumption that large organizations are frequently targeted by phishing attacks, nearly 43% of breaches involve small-scale businesses and industries.

Why Is It Important to Secure a Mobile Device Against WhatsApp Phishing?

With over 2 billion active users, WhatsApp has become one of the most popular messaging platforms globally. Its widespread use, combined with the trust users place in personal messaging, has made it an attractive target for cybercriminals, particularly through WhatsApp phishing attacks. Phishing on WhatsApp involves attackers sending deceptive messages designed to trick users into revealing sensitive information, clicking on malicious links, or downloading malware.

  • Protect Sensitive Information: Prevent attackers from stealing personal data, passwords, and financial details through deceptive WhatsApp messages.
  • Prevent Account Hijacking: Safeguard your WhatsApp account from being compromised and misused for further phishing attacks targeting your contacts.
  • Avoid Malware Infections: Protect your device from malware or spyware that can be installed via malicious links or attachments in phishing messages.
  • Mitigate Social Engineering Risks: Reduce the risk of falling victim to emotionally manipulative scams designed to trick users into revealing sensitive information or transferring funds.
  • Maintain Privacy and Confidentiality: Secure your private and confidential communications from being accessed or exposed through phishing attacks.
  • Prevent Financial Fraud: Stay safe from phishing scams that use fake promotions or urgent requests to deceive users into making unauthorized payments or transactions.

These statistics show that a large number of people use a mobile device for personal and official purposes. Thus, any random mobile device has a high probability of containing sensitive data, such as financial & security information, username/password, etc. which could easily be exfiltrated by hackers if they are able to successfully install spyware or other malware onto the device.

How to Defend Against WhatsApp Phishing

Defending against WhatsApp Phishing attacks begins with providing simulations and awareness trainings to your organization’s employees in order to increase their security awareness surrounding such issues. To help achieve this, Aware’s WhatsApp Phishing simulations are designed to test your employees in the same way a cybercriminal would and improve their understanding of the dangers associated with this threat.

WhatsApp Phishing Templates

We can help you to establish a baseline measurement on how susceptible your employees are to WhatsApp Phishing attacks and measure their progress against the baseline.

Design Your Campaign

We can help you schedule your campaigns accordingly in order to maximize the visibility of your campaigns.

Providing Training

We provide simulation reports and training materials to help improve the security awareness of your employees

Prominent Features of Aware

Along with testing and training, Aware also offers additional features based on your requirements, such as the scale of operations, campaign statistics, etc.

How Often or Long Should a WhatsApp Phishing Campaign Be Carried Out?

Studies have reported phishing to be responsible for a loss of $26 billion between 2016 to 2019, and this is expected to grow in 2020. SMishing simulations and trainings are not a one-time activity, they need to be carried out regularly to ensure optimal retention and effective learning. As cybercriminals continue to ramp up their game, organizations must ensure that their employees are equipped to defend their organizations against phishing attacks. How often or how long a company must adopt and incorporate anti-phishing solutions depend on factors such as:

  • The scale of operations.
  • Compliance with various regulatory laws.
  • The existing security infrastructure.
  • Threat identification & management capability of the employee/user.